The Great Wall editing

Excerpt from: LÚZ GALLERY + WORKSHOPS – BLOG! – The Great Wall.

Intriguing and simple concept.

The Great Wall

“Editing and sequencing have always been important to me in the process of working with photographs. Editing is where you discover your style, and through the process, come to an understanding of what your work as a photographer has to say and what unifies your images.

In my opinion, editing can NOT be done on a computer screen, and MUST be done with prints!

This is for the simple reason that our brains work much faster then even the best computer and as we train our eyes and our minds to look at images, we learn to see relationships between images that only come with the ability to scan a large collection of photographs at once and then move them around quickly.

Regardless of how you capture and image (film or digital), making small work prints really allows you to lay your work out, edit it, move images together or apart, and to see the relationships between images that modify the impact of how a photograph reads.  …”